Every family tree produces some nuts. ~Unknown

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's been a long time, but I am still here!

I know I sort of began this about 6 months ago and then just left it sitting in my 'dashboard' of blogs gathering dust. In my defense, Zachary is a handful and I don't often get the chance to sit down and write as much as I would like too, and my focus had been on others blogs in the past. As I attempt to keep up those blogs I also hope to try and keep this one updated, at least on a monthly basis even when there is not much going on. Although the past months have been really busy in our home, I am going to just start with a brief update and give more specific ones with pictures from here on out!

Natalie is growing like a weed as usual! She turned 4 this past January and the first weekend of Febuary we threw her a Cinderella birthday party. She loves to dress up and do all the girly things but she can also be somewhat of a tom boy at times. We also started a garden in February.

Natalie is growing her own carrots! Of course that actually means, she helped Daddy plant them and now watches Daddy care for them among his other plants! She is excited and anxious for them to be harvested though. Carrots seem to be her favorite vegtable, she reminds us every time she eats them that they are good for her eyes.

And then there is my baby boy Zachary, who is the most handsome boy I could've ever asked for! He is also growing faster then I could've ever imagined he would! Before his 1st birthday in early March, we had to give him his first haircut as his curls had begun to look like wings sticking out from behind his ears! And he also had apparently decided to look like a full grown toddler by then as well, he is not in 24 month clothes as well as some 2T items, and he has almost 10 teeth at this time! I can now say without a doubt I am very glad I did not breastfeed that kid! Though he may appear a toddler in every sense, one thing still seems to hold him back from that title officially, the 'toddling'! He has found scooting around on his bottom to be quite efficent, and he isn't even pulling up on the furniture yet, nor is he very comfortable on his feet even with mommy or daddy supporting him in a standing up position. But the doctors are not concerned yet, and neither am I. Though Natalie was standing stationary on her own by now, she didn't walk until 16 months. In the mean time we will just encourage him as best we can to begin standing on his own two adorable feet!

As for the two grown members of this Baugh beehive, we too have kept ourselves occupied over the past several months in one way or another.
In January, Jon studied basically non stop for 3 weeks because that was the notice he was given that he was expected to have his ESWS in! And he passed with flying colors! Following that he was very helpful and supportive as I planned and decorated for Natalie's party as well as another friend's baby shower which I hosted in February. And he studied some more for his 1st class exam which took place in early March. We will get the results back from that in May hopefully, and praying it will be great news!!
March also brought with it the flu for us! Zachary ended up sick on his birthday and Jon and Natalie a week later. I have yet to catch it and at this point I think I skipped out, though I did have my fair share of terrible migraines & nausea to count me down a few days as well.
Now as March draws to a close, we are preparing for my mom and her husband Brian's visit to our little island of Guam! They will arrive on April 1st, and stay with us until the 13th. We are very excited and hope to get to experince island life in some ways we haven't yet. So if the weather cooperates we plan to go dolphin watching, snorkeling, on a riverboat cruise, and of course to many of the beautiful beaches that crowd the island's shorelines! We will also be celebrating Zachary's birthday, the original party having been postponed due to the illness. So hopefully I will be posting again soon after Zachary's birthday party on the 3rd of April!

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